Talmud Anthology

Talmud Anthology, written by Rabbi Reuven Grodner, is a collection of Rabbinic statements scattered throughout the Babylonian Talmud, with close to 150 topics and some 26,000 entries.
The book is designed to aid and assist in Talmudic research, in locating sources and in finding suitable quotations. Teachers, students and researchers will find Talmud Anthology to be a most efficient and useful resource.
Pick up this incredible resource today for only NIS 100 or $35 plus shipping! Talmud Anthology can be shipped to your door in Israel and the USA.
Talmud Anthology, written by Rabbi Reuven Grodner, is a collection of Rabbinic statements scattered throughout the Babylonian Talmud, with close to 150 topics and some 26,000 entries.
The book is designed to aid and assist in Talmudic research, in locating sources and in finding suitable quotations. Teachers, students and researchers will find Talmud Anthology to be a most efficient and useful resource.
Pick up this incredible resource today for only NIS 100 or $35 plus shipping! Talmud Anthology can be shipped to your door in Israel and the USA.